Important Information about Studying Human Medicine in Turkey and Its Key Advantages

Comprehensive and essential information about studying human medicine in Turkey, including the top Turkish universities for medical studies, study duration, requirements, costs, and more, is covered in this article.

Medical Specialties in Turkey

Studying medicine in all its branches and departments is a goal that many students aspire to after completing their secondary education. Due to the complexity of tuition fees and admission requirements for human medicine and its specialties, many students have turned to researching the best countries to study human medicine. Turkey is among the top preferred choices for studying human medicine and its specialties.

In our comprehensive guide to studying human medicine in Turkey, we provided detailed information about medical studies in Turkey for foreign students and aimed to make it a comprehensive article covering all topics of interest to students.

In this article, we will discuss post-study options for human medicine in Turkey, including medical specialties for students holding foreign certificates or for students who have graduated from Turkish universities and wish to specialize in medicine.

We will also elaborate on the medical specialties taught in Turkish universities, the duration of study for each medical specialty, and the study requirements for medical specialties in Turkey for foreign doctors in detail.

Follow along with us throughout the entire article to learn everything you need to know to start your journey of studying medical specialties in Turkey.

Available Medical Specialties in Turkish Universities

Turkey is undergoing continuous development in all sectors, especially the medical sector. Its universities have made significant advancements in a short period, making them at the forefront of universities offering various human medicine specialties and being the most advanced in their teaching.


Specialty Name in Arabic Specialty Name in Turkish Specialty Name in English
تخصص الجراحة التجميلية Cerrahi ve plastik cerrahi Cosmetic Surgery Specialty
تخصصات جراحة العظام والكسور Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Orthopedics and Fractures Surgery Specialties
تخصص جراحة الأطفال Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Pediatric Surgery Specialty
اختصاص طب القلب kardiyoloji Cardiology Specialty
تخصص الجراحة العامة Genel Cerrahi General Surgery Specialty
اختصاص التخدير والانعاش Anestezi ve canlandırma Anesthesia and Resuscitation Specialty
جراحة الصدر Göğüs Cerrahisi Chest Surgery Specialty
تخصص أمراض العيون göz hastalıkları Ophthalmology Specialty
تخصصات المخ والأعصاب Nöroloji Neurology Specialties
طب وجراحة المسالك البولية Üroloji Urology Specialty
تخصص الطب النفسي Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Psychiatry Specialty
اختصاص الطب الباطني İç Hastalıkları Internal Medicine Specialty
طب أمراض النساء والتوليد Kadın Hastalıkları Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialty
الطب الشرعي Adli Tıp Forensic Medicine Specialty
تخصصات الأنف والأذن والحنجرة Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları ENT Specialties
الطب الفيزيائي والتأهيل Fiziksel ve Rehabilitasyon Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
علم الوراثة الطبية Tıbbi genetik Medical Genetics
علم الأدوية Tıbbi Farmakoloji Pharmacology
طب الأنسجة والأجنّة Histoloji ve Embiriyoloji Histology and Embryology
طب الأشعة Radyoloji Radiology


Study Duration for Medical Specialties in Turkey

It is certain that each medical specialty requires a specific duration, which varies from one medical field to another, depending on the scientific materials and therapeutic applications that require a long study period for the physician to become sufficiently specialized in their field. However, it can be said that medical specialties in Turkey range in study duration from 4 to 7 academic years. However Medicine study duration in Turkey is 6 years.

Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Human Medicine in Turkey

Medicine is one branch of medical practice, such as pediatric specialties, imaging and occupational medicine, internal medicine specialties, surgical specialties, laboratory specialties, neurological specialties, and psychological specialties. After completing medical school, doctors typically continue their medical education in a specific specialty. Generally, after graduation and obtaining a bachelor’s degree, there are two paths for postgraduate studies: the academic path, where you can study for a master’s and doctorate in basic subjects such as anatomy and microbiology, and other specialties, through the traditional path of studying for a master’s degree with a GRE or GMAT certificate, both of which are international tests in English, with their equivalent in Turkey called ALES, which is in Turkish. And the clinical path: by obtaining a specialization in a specific medical field after passing the TUS exam and selecting the appropriate branch for the degree obtained.

Study Requirements for Medical Specialties in Turkey:

Studying Medical Specialties in Turkey for Foreign Doctors

Here, we refer to doctors who have completed their bachelor’s degree outside Turkey and wish to specialize in a medical field at Turkish universities. Initially, and before anything else, doctors must modify their university degree and all academic documents they possess. We have detailed the process of modifying a medical degree in Turkey in the article below:

Modifying the Degree in Turkey

After passing the STS exam and obtaining the equivalency of the medical degree, meaning that the degree has become equivalent to medical degrees issued by Turkish universities, the doctor must prepare to pass the following exams:

ALES exam if the language of instruction is Turkish.

GRE or GMAT exam if the language of instruction is English.

TUS exam, a specialized medical exam for foreign and Turkish doctors who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in human medicine in Turkey.

The TUS exam is conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education in Ankara, and registration for the exam is done by the student personally. The TUS exam includes questions on the following topics:

Surgical medicine, anatomy, biochemistry, internal medicine.

The aim of the TUS exam is to determine the medical specialty in which the doctor excels based on the total scores obtained by the applicant. The Turkish Ministry of Higher Education determines the appropriate medical specialty for the applicant, and then they can begin their journey of specializing in one of the medical specialties in Turkey.

Studying Medical Specialties in Turkey for Doctors Who Graduated from Turkish Universities

As for doctors who have completed their bachelor’s degree at Turkish universities, the study requirements for medical specialties in Turkey are the same as those that apply to Turkish doctors. There is no need to equate certificates and pass the STS exam; passing only the TUS exam is sufficient, and then they can start studying the medical specialty.

Top Turkish Universities for Studying Human Medicine

University Name in English University Name in Turkish University Location
جامعة ايدن Aydın Üniversitesi Istanbul
جامعة بهشة شهير Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Istanbul
جامعة اوكان Okan Üniversitesi Istanbul
جامعة استينيا İstinye Üniversitesi Istanbul
جامعة اسكودار Üsküdar Üniversitesi Istanbul
جامعة اطلس Atlas Üniversitesi Istanbul
جامعة التن باش Altınbaş Üniversitesi Istanbul
جامعة الخليج Haliç Üniversitesi Istanbul

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GUS Turkey – Educational Consultants

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